Monday, March 20, 2006

Revenue Restrictions Amendment Tally (Update)

Last Update: 4/27/06 at 8:40am

Oppose Revenue Amendment
  • County Officials Against TPA (March 23, 2006)
Sen. Robson also released a statement on April 13, 2006--which can be found here--listing all of the organizations that oppose the revenue amendment. Many on the list are also identified in this post, but a good number are not. The Robson list is based on public statements, testimony at public hearings, and registrations with the Ethics Board.

Another list of organizations opposing the revenue amendment is here. Many are also on my list and Sen. Robson's, but some are not.

Support Revenue Amendment

This list is intended to keep track of all formal public positions on the revenue restrictions amendment proposed by conservative Republican state legislators on February 9, 2006.

The only statements tallied here are formal press releases made by politicians and political organizations and organizations who have filed lobbying papers with the State Elections Board, not simply statements provided in a newspaper account, for example.

The list will be updated as new statements are made. If there are statements that I miss, feel free to identify them in the comments section or by emailing me at


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